Expand revenue and multiply your profit potential by offering a choice of lending programs and products such as consumer and business credit cards or personal and business loans. Mbanq’s Lending-as-a-Service (LaaS) is delivered to clients on a white label-basis.
Consumer Credit Card
■ Classic programs
■ Secured programs
■ Fully indemnified programs
Personal Credit Lines and Loans
■ Term loans
■ Purpose loans
■ Securitized loans
Business Credit Card
■ Charge cards
■ Classic programs
■ Fully indemnified programs
Business Credit Lines and loans
■ Term loans
■ Purpose loans
■ Securitized loans
Lending-as-a-Service (LaaS) is a model of lending where lending capabilities are offered as a service through a third-party provider arranged by Mbanq. Businesses that want to offer loans can do so by partnering with Mbanq instead of having to build their own loan platform
LaaS Benefits
Increased Profit Potential
Transform your revenue by an order of magnitude by tapping into an increased share of interchange, interest charges and fees.
Full Service: Compliance,
Underwriting and Financing
You operate with full regulatory compliance and full operational support from Mbanq.
Fast Rollout
Quick go-to-market for you to create and launch your lending program and start generating revenue.
Low Barrier to Entry
Simplified onboarding means you don’t require vast sums of capital and don’t need to create your own lending program from scratch.
As demand for loans increases you tap into Mbanq’s LaaS platform to scale your lending programs quickly and easily.
Mbanq’s Lending-as-a-Service enhances your lending program